Day 25 – July 22, 2003

Dodging the Clouds

Ride from Tupelo, Mississippi to Searcy, Arkansas


We started late this morning, but it was because the skies had forgotten to close the doors again.  It was raining a bit too hard to start a ride, but we made up some of the time by having breakfast at the hotel.  Most of the places we have stayed at have had a “Continental Breakfast” available, but at most we get a roll and coffee or toast and milk. This place had a full breakfast available, waffles, sausage, cereal, toast, eggs, rolls, muffins, grits and gravy. We found plenty to eat, and when we were done, so was the rain. 


As we set out on this days ride, we kept a constant watch on the skies as the news had indicated that some of the thunder showers in the area were expected to have high winds with the possibility of hail. We seemed to be doing ok and so as we passed through Oxford, Mississippi I suggested we stop at Wall Mart and try to replace Karen’s camera. It seems that hers just decided it would no longer function. Since she is using one of those expensive 35mm $14 cameras, we didn’t have to look too hard. When we came out of the store, it was starting to rain. We covered the packs and sat on the bench outside the store under the awning and watched the locals trying to escape the rain.  It rained pretty hard, but only for about 15 or 20 minutes. Then it stopped as abruptly as it had started. We waited a little longer just little longer for it to stop completely, and then got back on the road. Even though the rain had stopped, the trucks going by on the highway seemed to raise enough water from the road it was almost like it was still raining. By the time the roads were dry again, the bikes were covered in road grime. It wasn’t done with us yet though. The rain would start, we’d cover the bags, it would stop, we’d uncover, it would start, etc.


Well the hills opened up into farm land and we started seeing crops again. I couldn’t tell what was growing in a lot of places though. We saw signs that indicated cotton, but I either didn’t recognize it or they were growing something else I hadn’t seen before. At one point it looked almost as if they were trying to grow ponds. We saw several rectangular ponds the same size as the fields of crops, and they were completely covered with water. I don’t know if it was from the storm, or if they intended it.


Just before Mississippi ended and Arkansas started, the clouds all seemed to head east while we went west. It was as if this new state was welcoming us. Then as we crossed the Mississippi River and into Arkansas, the sun came out and warmed us as we removed our helmets and headed a little north.  We stopped in a little town called Helena for gas and it was recommended to us that we should stop at a little place in West Helena called Kelly’s. We did just that and had a nice lunch. While eating I called Sunrise Honda in Searcy since they had not been open the day before, and they not only had the front tire that we needed for Karen’s bike, but also the rear tire we needed for mine. On top of this they told me that they would be open till 6 pm and that if I could get one of the bikes in the door, they’d stay and put the tire on. They would be able to do the other in the morning as soon as they opened at 8 am. It was surprising enough that they had the right tires, but that they would also stay and put them on, that was exceeding my expectations. None the less, we hi-tailed it into Searcy and made it by about 5:30. True to their word, they installed Karen’s tire. We had a chance to look around the shop and I was very surprised to find that they had one of the most complete parts and show rooms I have seen. They seemed to specialize in the cruisers rather than the sport bikes, and also had a good stock of the Hondaline parts. They had the Mustang seats, a cap that covered Karen’s kickstand bolt, and even the correct saddlebag spacer mounts.  On top of everything, they gave us a discount on the parts and offered to ship the brackets home for us free of charge. I have stopped at several shops across the country and I have not gotten this kind of service anywhere. They are to be commended. I found myself wanting to come back and do business with them and I hadn’t even left yet. Sondra, Timmy, and the others went beyond the call for us today and I will not forget it.  Thanks guys.


Well since we won’t be leaving till after the tire is replaced on my bike tomorrow, we checked in at a Super 8 a block away and settled in for the night.  If we have any time we might do a little shopping before heading out. It will be more comforting on new rubber heading home. So till next time, I’ll see you on the byways…